Numerical Investigation of Pelton Turbine with Experimental Validation


  • Pawan Lal Bijukchhe Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University Dhulikhel, Nepal
  • Sailesh Chitrakar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University Dhulikhel, Nepal
  • Nabin Raj Chaulagain Department of Aerospace and Mechanical engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Nepal
  • Prabin Timilsina Department of Aerospace and Mechanical engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Nepal


CFD, OpenFOAM, Multiphase, interFoam


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been established as a prominent tool for the effective analysis and optimization of hydro-turbines. Various CFD codes, both commercial type and open-source type, are being used in the industry for flow simulation and optimization. For impulse turbines like Pelton, the numerical simulation requires solving of various complex phenomena like multi-phase fluid interaction, multi-reference frame study, jet-bucket interaction and free-surface transient flows. A number of simplifications has to be made in terms of the geometry and flow physics for solving the flow problem in reasonable time and less computational cost.



How to Cite

Bijukchhe, P. L., Chitrakar, S., Chaulagain, N. R., & Timilsina, P. . (2021). Numerical Investigation of Pelton Turbine with Experimental Validation. Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 15(2). Retrieved from

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