An Investigation on the Park and People Problems: Special Emphasis on the Impact on Wetland Surrounding Vegetation due to Overgrazing of Livestock in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal


  • Anu Shrestha Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Kathamndu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, P.O. Box 6250, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Rana Bahadur Chhetri Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Kathamndu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, P.O. Box 6250, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Sanjay Nath Khanal Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Kathamndu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, P.O. Box 6250, Kathmandu, Nepal


Wetland, Overgrazing, Species diversity and density, densityNepal


sp, Lencus sp, Lantana sp. were most abundant species. The relative abundance and density were higher inside the reserve compared to outside. The vegetations found inside the reserve were relatively taller too.

It has been found that grazing is one of the major threats to the wetlands in Koshi Tappu and is a major issue generating conflicts between local people and management of the reserve. In a typical day almost 1000 livestock were recorded grazing around the wetland outside the reserve.



How to Cite

Shrestha, A., Chhetri, R. B., & Khanal, S. N. (2006). An Investigation on the Park and People Problems: Special Emphasis on the Impact on Wetland Surrounding Vegetation due to Overgrazing of Livestock in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal . Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 2(1). Retrieved from

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