Survey Paper On “Web Page Content Visualization”


  • Sushil Shrestha M.Tech IT, Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University


Natural language processing, semantic graph, web page, data, triplet, visualization.


The paper is a survey of a work done in the field of web page content vuisualization. The paper start with summary of the semantic graph. Then it describe the process of generation of semantic graph by natural language processing and machine learning techniques and then enriching text with RDF/OWL Encoded Sense as the enhancement of the existing enrycher text conversion and ends with the possible future direction and conclusion.



How to Cite

Shrestha, S. . (2012). Survey Paper On “Web Page Content Visualization”. Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 8(1). Retrieved from