Optimality condition and duality in multi objective programming with generalized (φ,ρ)-univexity


  • Deo Brat Ojha R. K. G. I. T., Ghaziabad (U.P.)


Optimality condition, duality, multi objective programming, generalized (?, r )-univexity


In this paper, we extend the classes of generalized type I vector valued functions introduced by Aghezzaf and Hachimi[1] to generalized univex type I vector-valued functions and consider a multiobjective optimization problem involving generalized type I function with (φ,r ) -univexity. A number of Kuhn-Tucker type sufficient optimality conditions are obtained for a feasible solution to be an efficient solution. The Mond-Weir and general Mond-Weir type duality results are also presented.



How to Cite

Ojha, D. B. (2011). Optimality condition and duality in multi objective programming with generalized (φ,ρ)-univexity. Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 7(1). Retrieved from https://journals.ku.edu.np/kuset/article/view/309