A fixed point theorem in Menger space


  • BD Pant Government Degree College, Champawat, Uttarakhand
  • Sunny Chauhan Department of Applied Science, Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Bhagwantpuram, Muzaffar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh


Triangle norm; Menger space, Fixed point theorem, Weakly compatible maps


The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of weakly compatible maps in Menger space and prove a common fixed point theorem in this space.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25.



How to Cite

Pant, B., & Chauhan, S. . (2011). A fixed point theorem in Menger space. Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 7(1). Retrieved from https://journals.ku.edu.np/kuset/article/view/298