Kathmandu University Open Journal Systems


  • Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology

    KUSET facilitates researchers to publish their research findings, have a continued communication with peers and foster research in the fields of science, engineering and technology.

    KUSET is also indexed at NepJOL (Nepal Journals Online).

  • Polysemy: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Scholarship

    Polysemy is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published by the Department of Management Informatics and Communication, School of Management, Kathmandu University. The main objective of this journal is to promote research and scholarship in the areas intersecting humanities, management studies and communication sciences. 

    Polysemy is published bi-annually in August and February.  


    Polysemy primarily incorporates:

    1. Scholarly researches in humanities, management studies and communication sciences, including discourse/rhetorical studies on artifacts and exigencies, or political, historical and literary representations;

    2. Commentaries or reviews of critical perspectives in humanities, management studies and communication sciences; 

    3. Dialogues between scholars belonging to identical or common fields of studies;

    4. Personal narratives of experienced critics and practitioners in various fields;

    5. Interviews on scholarly and pedagogical practices across disciplines